Thursday, January 12, 2006

Adopt a Highway!


Anonymous said...

I really like this! Keep up the good fight, Freewayblogger

High Power Rocketry said...

Haha thats funny as hell :)

Yeah really... The Haliburton candidate.


Gyrobo said...

I makes me want to bang my head on the side of a counter. I can't tell whether that's a compliment of an insult; therefore, you don't exist.

Erica said...


Goggles Piasano Ritardo said...

Rock on.

such is life said...


Anonymous said...

Free speech, yes. Stupidity- NO! If it weren't for our military and the people brave enough to make the tough decisions to send them, YOU would not have the right to have this blog! YOU would not have the right of free speech! Therefore YOU are an IDIOT!

Arlen said...

I think it's fine that you are against the war, but I'm curious. How would you go about defending our country from terrorism?

Matthew Bamberg said...

Very cool. What kind of camera you using. I'm a sign photographer also.

Sean said...

I'm glad that you're exercising your right to free speech, just don't make the assumption that all of us over here fighting this war agree with you, we don't. Like most, I'm proud of our president and I know that we are here for the right reasons. Enjoy your latte, it must be nice to have so much free time to make pointless signs.

Anonymous said...






pallamaio said...

your signs are the perfect way to express a wonderful concept! :)

porchwise said...

Anyone who practices his or her right of free speech behind the blinder of "Anonymous" is already intimidated by the tyranny of the majority.

Anonymous said...

To all you war supporters who have decided to do your part in the war on terror by staying home and replying to blogs that you don't agree with, has a bumper sticker for your kind. It says:
Support The War ? Call 800-872-2769
Go ahead, call it, now you can really do your part.
As for Sean, after seeing the photo you provide and reading your profile I can honestly say whatever happens to most of you people will not cause me to shed one tear. Most of you are jerk-off, gun nuts who can't get laid in the real world and had to sign up just so they could have some degree of self respect or money. Most of you cum at the thought of getting to blast some towell head to pieces, forget spreading democracy. And forget noble sounding missions of helping people in need. You're there because you either can't function in the real world like the rest of us or you like killing and I won't shed one tear for what becomes of you.
And favorite movie, Dumd and dumber ? I rest my case.

Jenny said...

That was hilarious. :D

Sean said...

Whatever makes you sleep better at night problem, I'm sure it's a safe assumption that you have never been over here and only know all of your "facts" by what you see on the news. Instead of resorting to mudslinging and disrespecting my brothers, how about doing a little research or better yet I'll invite you over for a beer and we can discuss. You don't know anything about me or what we are doing here, the insults were unwarranted.

Craig C said...

For all the haters on this thread:

Paul Hackett

And here.

There are many ways to make a difference.

Anonymous said...

What makes me sleep at night is doing what we do and trying to stop you from doing what you do. I sleep well! By the way, what is that in your profile photo? A torture kit? We get our news directly from the Iraqi people. was started by 3 people from North Carolina. One of those people is a woman born in the U.S. to an exiled Iraqi father and an American mother. I have known her for 20 years. The 3 of us were frustrated last summer and started the website and she is the web adminstrator. If you go to the site an article is posted under the stories page that describes an incident that happened to a member of her extended family. We get the news all right, and it generally matches what we hear in the mainstream press. You're not wanted there. You're not wanted in the middle east. You are currently involved in trying to hold together a counrty created by Britian that I call British Iraq. Most of the people don't want to hold together the legacy of British domination. Read some history man. You are fighting in the Pan Islamic Civil War and you're doing so in order to keep in power a group of tyranical kings and dictators who have served western intrests for over a century. But that does'nt matter to you soldiers of fortune. You'd go do this anywhere, niether cause nor enemy matter. All of you signed up to do the kings bidding before you even knew who you were going to fight. Air droppable, stream fordable right?
And why is it the people who take offense at muddslinging are often the ones to start it? You accuse me of drinking latte! How dare you! I don't even know what the fuck latte is. Why do anti war supporters drink latte? I don't get it.
A closing request; please ask your "brothers" who so bravley pilot the robotic planes to please do thier best to try not to kill any more inocent woman or children.
And get rid of that torture kit photo, it makes you look like a geek. Paul at

Anonymous said...

What makes me sleep at night is doing what we do and trying to stop you from doing what you do. I sleep well! By the way, what is that in your profile photo? A torture kit? We get our news directly from the Iraqi people. was started by 3 people from North Carolina. One of those people is a woman born in the U.S. to an exiled Iraqi father and an American mother. I have known her for 20 years. The 3 of us were frustrated last summer and started the website and she is the web adminstrator. If you go to the site an article is posted under the stories page that describes an incident that happened to a member of her extended family. We get the news all right, and it generally matches what we hear in the mainstream press. You're not wanted there. You're not wanted in the middle east. You are currently involved in trying to hold together a counrty created by Britian that I call British Iraq. Most of the people don't want to hold together the legacy of British domination. Read some history man. You are fighting in the Pan Islamic Civil War and you're doing so in order to keep in power a group of tyranical kings and dictators who have served western intrests for over a century. But that does'nt matter to you soldiers of fortune. You'd go do this anywhere, niether cause nor enemy matter. All of you signed up to do the kings bidding before you even knew who you were going to fight. Air droppable, stream fordable right?
And why is it the people who take offense at muddslinging are often the ones to start it? You accuse me of drinking latte! How dare you! I don't even know what the fuck latte is. Why do anti war supporters drink latte? I don't get it.
A closing request; please ask your "brothers" who so bravley pilot the robotic planes to please do thier best to try not to kill any more inocent woman or children.
And get rid of that torture kit photo, it makes you look like a geek. Paul at