From July of 2002 until November of 2003, George Bush never once said the names "Osama" or "Bin Laden" in public. I am convinced that our collective transferrence of blame from Osama Bin Laden to Saddam Hussein will be looked back upon as one of the most embarrassing chapters of this nation's history.
Wow thats the most true thing I think I've heard ever! LOL, I love the pictures, your site is hilarious!
Luv ya all!
Hi, new to the site. I saw a documentary the other day called "Loose Change" and it was about 9/11, and Osama. I don't know what to believe anymore. Some of the documentary did seem a little extreme in its accusations or assumptions, but quite a bit made sense, which was scary. I think you all should watch it and form your own theories. It's 2 parts on Google Video: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6621056445411384184
Ok, post more comments here or on my own blog and tell us what you think.
Good pictures. I often get stuck on the freeway on my way home. Not a pretty thing for a person with lack of patience.
You really know how to hit a nerve with this girl!! I still can't figure out how we cannot find him.
You should stop by my blog (not a promotion) but you will laugh how I incorporated my extramarital affairs and my distaste for Bush!
I bet your statcounter goes crazy with hits from the government departments! Everytime I mention the words government or soldiers...my statcounter shows a government department visiting. Of course, they just may be interested in my poetry (lol)!
I love the Impeach signs. I can't understand why there's not more of a movement to put those up there. I wonder if there ever will be a day again that I'll be proud to be an American.
You will not influence people other than the choir with this type of web page-they have the opposite effect.
You will not influecne people other than your own with this type of web page. Nice try though.
Actually, they're precisely the ones I'm trying to influence... thanks.
No you're not.
I am sure that you Liberals and the Liberal MSM will be looked upon the most embarassing of this time at this historic time period. Again you guys are on the wrong side of the War on Terrorism, just as you were on the wrong side of the Cold War.
When a lie is repeated too many times becomes a true. It´s what they think.
We, the bloggers, are out of the system! We are the new warriots of truth!
Be shame Mr Bush, be shame!
Next step? South America! Here we have water. It´s the next war.
being a liberal doesn't mean you're on the wrong side of the war on terror, and being right-wing doesn't mean you're on the right side either. look at osama bin laden and his lot - they're religious fundamentalists, in other words right-wing, they hate liberals too, but they're terrorists!
you can be a liberal opposed to the iraq war and be opposed to terror too. remember there is no proof of a link between saddam hussein and osama bin laden. if anything they hate each other, bin laden has been quoted in the past saying that saddam hussein is an infidel.
Can't even pronounce al-Qaeda correctly...
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