The right to post free, non-commercial political speech on public property is one of the most protected rights we have as Americans, and it's time we started using it.
When the founding fathers gave us the right to free speech they did it for a reason, and at least part of that reason was to allow any of us to sound the alarm if we feel our country or its democracy to be in danger. It is.
The Impeachment Project is a way of showing our fellow citizens that torture, lying, illegal spying and an immoral war is as important today as lying about an affair with an intern was ten years ago. Freewayblogging is a way for any person to reach tens, even hundreds of thousands of others for less than a dollar. See http://www.freewayblogger.com for more.
Simple. Brilliant. I sincerely hope it works.
I wouldn't call what you doing free speech. I would call it littering.
I think that the president needs our support; that includes criticism; but have you ever noticed that the people who change are not the ones that you scream at and boo, but rather those whom you encourage in the right directon and support. This doesn't mean you like everything he does, it just means you are supportive of his position while you are NICELY helping to PETITION what you want WITHOUT badmouthing and mudslinging, etc. And while we are talking about founding fathers, George Washington warned us about political parties and I think i agree. A house divided against itself cannot stand and neither can a country. We will end up being taken over by some tiny empirical country if we don't unite. there are ppl taking advantage of Americas dividedness.
Really you can? Here in Madrid, Spain, it's now prohibited to post nothing in bus stops, walls, or whatever-horizontal-public-surface.
Oh, and "We will end up being taken over by some tiny empirical country..." I'm sorry, your biggest enemy is called paranoia.
What I fail to understand is why all you Bin Ladin ass lickers live in my country.
The entire planet has been at war with itself since man took his first steps so many tens of thousands of years ago. Bush didn't invent war, and neither did America...and neither did Japan...and neither did Germany...etc. and all that jazz. Want to eliminate war??? Then find a way to elimanate man's incessent need to be in control.
Maybe you should put your energy into something more useful...like conserving paper.
Nationalize Defense. It's that easy. Take the profit out of war and you'd be amazed at how peaceful people actually are. It's only the rich who start wars, just as it's only the poor who fight them.
could be worse...
have you seen this?
How did the NSA get into Harry Reid's shorts? And, where is Poindexter? Then, you may get some answers for impeachment purposes.
Wow. You are truly mad. I couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of dedication and utter insanity it takes to do what you're doing. I salute you.
War may be a fact of life, however the Iraq War is very misguided. While we're over there destabalizing a "former" oil producing country, Russia and China are busy monopolizing the vast energy resources of Siberia, Asia and Central America. Read about the recent natural gas crisis between Russia and Ukraine.
If that article didn't open your eyes, read up on China's conrol of our Dollar.
So, to all of those people pissed that fellow citizens could even think of ending the Iraq War and impeaching the President, I ask you to reconsider. At no point has the Bush adminstration proven it can handle the messes they get into. They showed their true colors during Hurricane Katrina where their stories of progress just didn't reflect the reality on the ground. They even admit to starting the Iraq War based totally on false information. How are we to trust that the info they are spreading now isn't bogus?
They tout the achievement of democracy in Iraq, but most experts outside the administration see a religious theocracy taking hold.
My real point is that while the US is bogged down in Iraq, other world powers are out manuvering us. While we debate the Iraq War, Chinese banks are buying more and more of our debt. What happens if they decide to collect all at once?
While we focus on Iraqi freedom, Russia is acquiring ownership of major European natural gas pipelines. Russia is making serious moves to control energy reserves whereas we are consuming more and more.
Our stragedy is obviously flawed.
Now, I know some of your responses will be, "Who cares about Russia and China because we're the only Super Power left. We can always just blow them up!" (Or something slightly more intelligent but to the same effect.)
Well, if we can't "win" a war with Iraq, how can we expect to "win" against Russia and China, especially when they own our country. Now, there's a lot going on over in Iraq, but none of it can be confused with "winning". There are no "winners" in this war.
All I'm saying is, if my team's quaterback is making bad calls and constantly getting intercepted, then I want to see him yanked in the third quater. Put in the second string. (Well, hopefully the third.) Anything, just don't believe he is suddenly gonna turn it all around and make up for three quarters (6 years) of mistakes.
It says this to the Cóllor! ;)
You are doing a great job! Come visit us here in Missouri
Very interesting to knwo there is a web site like this. I'm from Viet Nam so that I don't want to talk about the politic on American web site but I will comeback to read more. Thanks for sharing us. Have a great day!
Actually don't come to Missouri. I hope you enjoy the vote while Alito is confirmed. "Bush Lied" is something I've never heard before. Keep up the good work. It will be 1 Democratic President in the last 3 decades. Loser.
How do American troops feel about the war? While we complain about the injustice of it all and how life is needlessly being sacrificed, do those that are giving their lives feel that they are doing it for no good reason? Or do they believe in what they are doing?
moron, You need a life or a job or a woman.
Nice site. Ignore the criticism, there are worse ways to waste time, and just look at the attention you've garnered, regardless as to whether or not much of it's positive encouragement.
Anyway, are you familiar with this story from Toledo. An ex-councilman, ex-mayoral candidate, Vietnam vet/conscientious objector, and longtime activist was arrested for spraypainting anti-war slogans on an overpass. It's a good story, and you can read about its updates here.
Some people have WAY too much free time.
If you were a little smarter... you would reverse the lettering when putting signs on the backs of other signs... no wonder Republicans are te majority... you 'crats are idiots!
You are a coward for hiding in the shadows.
You are a coward for hiding in the shadows.
No, you are a patriot for voicing your dissent, Freewayblogger. Thanks.
Just heard today on the radio that Bush has either signed or is preparing to sign a bill to Amend the Patriot Act to include, as he put it, "The Criminalization and Detainment or Arrests of Disruptors." In case you are wondering that would mean anyone protesting at any events or functions or in public, where Bush happened to be at that time. In short, anyone criticizing him, or protesting him, are considered "Disruptors" and according to this new ammendment to the Patriot Act, can be arrested. How's that for another hit on the 1st Ammendment?
Free speech for life. Good job...
You are a nut. There is no question - you are a nut. I like what you are doing but you are a nut. Humans will always be at war. To try to stop this is naive and futile. The country with the biggest weapons (and most fat people) will be at war until it runs out of steam. This will happen. In the meantime - enjoy being a nut. I think "Bush lied" is better than "Impeach". However, it states the obvious - which politician didn't lie? Further, his pappy was in Dallas when JFK was shot. He lied too. But then again, so did JFK.
Hi Peach, I'm theoneiknow, well I'm not the one I know but it is my blogname :) I can see you've been very busy lately, it is good to be able to speak freely but you're not really speaking, more like placarding freely? Anyways, check out my blog sometime huh? It is @
Some questions from Spain...
Yesterday I heard Proconsul Paul Bremmer has published a book about his year on Iraq. And he screws spanish troops. is it true? He said our troops were fraternizing with iraqui people. What were they supposed to do? To shoot at them, at their wives and their two-years-old-children?
I'm sorry if my English stinks.
How come only the negative comments are anonymous, could it be they have'nt the balls to stand up and give their names, they are the Cowards and the confused ones.
Keep up the good work, whilst I might not agree with all you say, I agree totally with your right to say it!!!
Wow, you are impressive. make love not war =)
I want to start by saying that I am not condoning or disputing what you are doing here. I think the comments on littering are a pretty weak insult, I also think the whole sign thing is a bit overdone and just does not work. My wife's brother is in Iraq right now fighting for what you are doing here and I cannot be more proud of him.
While I don't like Bush and I don't agree with him at all, I do think that our troops need all of our support. I'm sure not every person fighting in Iraq agrees with Bush either but they are not fighting just because of Bush, they are fighting for our country and to preserve our way of life. I also think it is very naive to think that this war is needless.
As much as even I hate to believe it if we just sat back and did nothing this war might have come to our country instead of Iraq. What I'm trying to say is the fact remains that now we are in it to win it, no matter how much people hate it, it's happening and since we're in this situation we have to finish it. Do I think Bush should be impeached? Well not if it means that the next guy will come in and not finish what was started.
In short the whole situation sucks and we are going to do what we have been doing since the begining of this country, persevering.
Visit, expertbeyondexperience.blogspot.com
i admire your dedication, but what are you gonna fight for when the war is over and bush is gone? nothing lasts forever, and while bush and his war are fucked up, they're not going to last forever. aren't you dreading the empty feeling that's gonna come when you don't have something to pee in your pants about every day?
This may be the funniest thing I've ever read:
Anonymous said...
You are a coward for hiding in the shadows.
I am stuck in a morality issue roght now, I hate Bush but due to him I no longer have to scrape every penny I have for insulin... Things to ponder on today's blog.
the concept of free speech changes day by day
earlier one cud express his or her feelings openly in any public place
i heard in london where there is such a place where one can talk bout anything & everything bout which he/she feels strongly bout
but nowadasy the scene has completely changed
everything is being spyed
nobody trusts nobody
only god knows how many people are eavesdropping in a telephone conversation btw a husband & wife
in the present world even that is justified by calling it "security" or "fighting terrorism"
guys in case u feel the same way as i do , plz do visit my blog : www.crazedream.blogspot.com
I find it funny that some of the most opinionated commentors here leave there comments under an anonymous name. Why don't you stand up for what you believe. If you're not afraid to say it then don't be afraid to put a name behind it.
Sure - free speech is a great thing - but what you are doing is creating visual pollution. The president has a very difficult job defending this country (including the likes of people as yourself) from tenacious freedom-haters. Don't underestimate the source of 9-11. Instead of being critical for something you really don't understand, why not support the troops dying for your free speech???
As for your idea of removing Bush from office - you are quick to condemn. Give it some *serious* thought, and you can't come up with a viable alternative.
Here's how you can support the troops: 1) Pull them out if Iraq. 2) Impeach the murdering bastards who sent them to die for a pack of lies. 3)Hand the whole mess over to the Arab League and the UN, apologize to the world and never vote for a republican again. That's how you can support the troops.
Great work, Keep it Up,
Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas, Needs a group to start.
Its not littering its free speech, outlined in the constitution.
Freeway Blogger I salute you.
Our country was made great by people who stood up when they saw injustice. I am glad that you are standing up for what you believe in.
It's been said among these comments that those who post negitve responses lack "the balls to stand up and give their names". I may lack 'balls', but I'll give you my name and my opinion.
My name is Cristal Maritnez, and I think freedom of speech is more than just spin, more than just one or two word sound bites.
Freedom of speech is more than trite and hackneyed phrases.
As Jon Stewart said, this President lost an American city to a biological weapon known as standing water.
How the heck do you expect him to defend you against the slim-to-none chance that a terrorist might decide you make a good victim?
Freedom of speech is more than trite and hackneyed phrases.
Hmm. I think I've heard that somewhere before.
Seems somehow... trite. Like yelling, "Fire!" in a hackneyed theater.
Great blog and concept! You go! Everyone should have a right to express their opinions and have their voices heard.
Personally, I do not like Bush (that was kind words right?)...I support our troops but do not believe we should have gone to war. I wonder where Bin Laden is and how we could never have found him and it seems we stopped looking.
And personally, it kills me to see all the other countries we help when I see all the people in the US that need our support and we push them aside. Funny, I just wrote a posting on my blog about how much I can't stand Bush and how it kills me to see him cut billions in Medicaid costs.
I am one of the last people you would ever think would be an advocate but when it comes to helping people with disabilities, I've learned how to speak up. Especially since many of these people can't speak for themselves. I'm sorry don't get me started....I've just seen too many people who are stuck in bed because they can't get a wheelchair to get around or wash feeding tubes because the government refused to give them enough for the month.
My view, let's take care of our U.S. citizens first before we start taking care of the whole world.
It might be legal (for now) but I have to tell you here in Crack City the police are doing thier best to find some law, regulation, or legal reason to stop me from posting on STOP signs. I have no doubt they will eventually succeed (meanwhile the crack dealers proceed almost unimpeded!
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You Freeway Blogger! I've seen your work and it gives me hope!
As a gay man and a gay journalist, I'm quite interested in what you are doing.
Have you considered a colorful flair to your signs? Maybe some peach, mauve, or Judy Garland red.
Good Luck to you.... Kisses.
First off, Liberals do not believe in Free Speach. The only so-called "Free Speach" they believe in is if it goes along with their views. Talk about God Blessing America, God in general, Christmas, our Right to Bear Arms in their presence and see how they start telling us how offended they are.
Liberals are the most intollerant and the most anti-free speach bunch that I have ever known. Sure you can have pornagraphic art and call that free speach but never speak of God in a public place or you'll see them act as though they were vampires hit with holy water.
Anyway, this guy is a lib who doesn't know the facts. I bet you he doesn't even know that the McCaine Bill is the "Terrorist Bill of Rights". He assumes, like all Libs, that we torture Terrorists. I, for one, believe we should be torturing those bastards!
Now about the War based on lies (typical liberal brainwashing) - seems everyone else in the world had come to the same conclusion and the Brits still stand by their information. The Libs, however, are basing their views on a KNOWN liar -- Joe Wilson! Yes, we all know that Joe Wilson is a known liar but the Liberals would rather believe a known liar then our own President. Read the Butler report and you silly libs would get all the facts you need. If you dare.
The spying is not illegal -- oh, except if you a Republican President. Only Liberals can see that it is ok for Clinton to do it -- it is legal then, but OH NO -- you can't do it if you are a Republican President.
This is the very reason why you Libs will continue to lose power -- and thank God for that!!!!
the strangest thing about people is, they only start really fighting for themselves when there is nowhere else left to run!
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