Monday, January 30, 2012

Slogan Contest/West Coast Tour

Just finished up my West Coast Tour, posting 120+ signs between Seattle and San Diego and looking forward to doing it again. This time I'd like to focus on climate change and am asking your help finding the right slogans. Slogans should be short, smart, fit well into a rectangle and look good in traffic. Winner gets a thousand dollars and has their message displayed alongside freeways up and down the west coast. Second and third place winners, if they're good enough for the freeways, will receive 500 and 250 dollars respectively and have their messages posted as well. Original work is preferred but not mandatory, and apart from the right to post them publicly, I will make no claim to winning entries as intellectual property. Send entries to freewayblogger - at - yahoo - dot - com. Deadline for submissions is March 15th.

(Signs posted on latest tour. Click on cities for more.)


Generalissimo X said...

how about "why aren't you car pooling?" i just moved to so cal and am amazed that the hov lanes are basically empty. so much for "green" california. what a joke.

gmoke said...

Solar IS Civil Defense
A South-facing Window Is Already a Solar Collector

WWII Propaganda Slogans
(all my favorites at ):
Oil is ammunition
Should brave men die so you can drive...?
Have you REALLY tried to save gas by getting into a car club?
Is YOUR trip necessary?
Food is a weapon - don't waste it!
Grow your own. Can your own.

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs! said...

The banks got a 16 trillion dollar bailout from the US Fed.

Where's ours?

Anonymous said...

"Join the Green Machine" fueled by renewable energy

Tipper said...


InvisibleUrbanHomestead said...

Love the signage! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Voice that cares ,then I would do a raffle ,then I find a song ,with someone famous, teresa+

Anonymous said...
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wetware said...

Keep Driving - I own beachfront futures in Sierra Madre

wetware said...

When the lakes finally dry up, we'll all just drink oil!

captaindab said...

My entry: Go [green?] - This planet is NOT too big to fail!

wetware said...

An Ark? Now why would I need to build an Ark?

the bewilderness said...

What will the 99% do when the 1% tie up their boat in Idaho?

Anonymous said...

Universal Health Care. WWJD?

Anonymous said...

I live 1 ft above sea level, but I ain't worried, ain't no such thing as global warming.

Anonymous said...

What GeneralissimoX said!

Cindy Black said...

Here's some slogans for climate change!

1. Denying Climate Change is like denying the world is round.

2. Earth. There is no Planet B you know.

3. We have only one planet. How do you want to leave it?

4. Earth. Don’t you think we should leave it better than we found it?

5. Imagine the planet in 50 years… Now, what would you like to see?

6. Climate change is a fact. It’s up to us to fix it.

7. Don’t be afraid to speak the truth. Climate change is real.

8. Climate change is real. It’s up to us to fix it.

9. Climate change is here. Now is the time to step up and do something about it.

10. If we don’t do something about climate change now, our children will never forgive us.

11. When your grandchildren ask what you did about climate change, what do you want to tell them?

12. Get educated and do something about climate change. Future generations will thank you.

Dowser said...


Anonymous said...

Issa Is An Asshole

Kelly L said...

Drinking Natural Gas is FRACKING stupid.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

You Can't Drink Natural Gas

Griff said...

It's too late for low-carbon
It's time for No-Carbon

Griff said...

Climate Change
The final say on Birth Control