Friday, March 16, 2007

Some Signs I Put Up Today

FB - 385
USA - 115


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Freewayblogger, for continuing to post the truth about this awful, lying administration and its despicable invasion.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love pulling down your obnoxious graffiti. Thanks for the bungies.
"Hours to make, seconds to take!"

Freewayblogger said...

Well, minutes to make anyway... (about six or seven per,) but believe me sign-taker-downer, I have a lot more respect for you than for all the people who just do nothing, so if you think the country's freeways look better adorned only with advertisements and no political protest, then god bless you for doing something about it. Carry on with my blessings, Brother, and trust that I'll keep you fully stocked with bungees 'til the oil runs out.

Psychomikeo said...

Graffiti is simply showing off the artist's name and artwork, graffiti have been employed for other purposes as well. They have been used in the past to spread social and political messages, and as a form of advertising. They are also considered a modern art form, and can be seen in galleries around the world.

Graffiti have existed at least since the days of ancient civilizations such as Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. They have evolved over time into what are known as "modern graffiti"

To the sign-taker-DOWNER. I'm glad to see you out doing something, other than watching Fox News 24/7 & I hope you get more out of it than a few CHEAP bungies, but instead of taking down a few signs why don't you "sign" up & go to Iraq, where you can do some real good protecting Arbusto Energy, Chevron Corporation, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Kerr-McGee, Sunoco, Shell Oil Company, Helliburton, KBR, & The Carlyle Group just to name a few.

Anonymous said...

To PsychoMikeo's excellent comments I would add:
why don't you "sign" up & go to Iraq, where you can do some real good protecting Arbusto Energy, Chevron Corporation, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, Kerr-McGee, Sunoco, Shell Oil Company, Helliburton, KBR, & The Carlyle Group, and that hell hole of a criminal country - the one that corrupts, bribes, dictates to our selected officials, and pushes us into endless wars - IsraHell.