Man, I've been sticking huge signs up against the war and the administration for years now - fingerprints are all over the damn things... And what do I get from the FBI? Zip. Nada. Zilch.
This kid scrawls "PLO" on one stinkin' notebook and suddenly he's John Dillinger...,1,7828660.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
Carry on with your bad self, freewayblogger. - Jeff
Another good site.
Zilch from the FBI that you know about!
Everyone knows writing something on a notebook reaches a lot more people than writing something on a highway! Perhaps you should consider becoming the "Notebook Blogger"!!
Now - you never know about the FBI. I used to belong to the SCA (Society for Creative Anachronisms). They were infiltrated by the FBI during one of Nixon's paranoiac outbursts. The tale became a legend. The infiltrator joined the group, you see - after telling his superiors the only weapons SCA participants were likely to use against the government were swords and the occasional long bow.
Funny thing - about 6 years ago, an SCA kingdom tried to do just that - to secede from the United States only using medieval weaponry and tactics. It didn't work, of course; but the people involved were dead serious about making it happen.
You are so underappreciated.
Well Scarlet, you're going to have try something more daring than just putting anti-war signs on all the California freeway signs :P
Keep up the good work man.
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