Over the next two weeks I'll be touring the west coast and placing large "Peace" and "Peace on Earth." signs alongside the freeways.
Like the flags that went up on overpasses after September 11th, political banners are entirely legal and constitutionally protected speech. So long as they're non-commercial, safely posted political messages, it's not just your right to put up signs, it's your right to put up as many of them as you want, as big as you want, and your right to use public property to do it. At least that's my theory.
Granted, there are some officials who may take issue with this, but I've put up over 5,000 signs so far and nobody's done much to stop me. My take on the first amendment is that when it comes to limiting a citizen's right to political Free Speech, you'd better have a damn good reason for it.
When it comes to civil liberties it's our job as citizens to assume each and every right we can, and to fight tooth and nail for anything anyone tries to take away. Especially when it comes to Free Speech.
How To Make Signs
Freewayblogger should be appointed "Promoter of Peace" in an Obama cabinet. I'm in San Francisco - can't wait to see the signs :)
It's rare for someone to step up to the plate and actually do something out of pure conviction rather than just talk.You deserve a lot of credit.I believe the far right wing is insidiously and aggressively taking over not only America but the planet.We all need to step up to the plate.Thanks for the inspiration Freeway!
You are quite possibly the biggest narcissist I have ever encountered. Wow. What a blowhard.
Nonsense. In fact I'm often told that I'm absolutely Christlike in the degree of my humility.
I concur - you ooze humility, dude!
Narcissist??? I guess by the anonymous nature of his work, sure.
I feel great every time I see one of your signs.
The "impeach" signs spurred many a conversation (though it appears they were not successful)..
Even the neo-con Repugs wouldn't rip down the "Peace" signs...
You cheer me.
Thanks for all you do, FWB!
You say you're "Christlike"!?!? Wow. That doesn't sound narcissistic at all. Oh, and I don't believe Christ would use the word "Pussy" as frequently as you do. Nice try blowhard.
My God, anon old buddy, you really don't get out much do you... When someone says they're "Christlike in their humility" or anything remotely like that, it's a joke, see? It's meant ironically precisely because of the transparent absurdity of the statement... because if someone were actually Christlike in their humility they wouldn't... oh never mind. Can't you find a friend somewhere, or someone to explain this stuff to you?
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