I put up a lot of signs in the Bay Area yesterday, and took a lot of pictures. These are some of the better ones.

(Signs made with used billboard vinyl or
cardboard and paint and lettered with an
overhead projector. They're placed next to freeways under the assumed protection of first amendment freedom of speech and the very real protection of the fact that if you want to put a sign up somewhere there's not a hell of a lot anyone can do to stop you.)

I know that the destruction of the planet seems petty compared to the current collapse of capitalism, but let's face it, $700 Billion is chump change when it comes to buying new planets. I think people will start caring more about the great outdoors as more and more find themselves
living there.
(Some of about 20 signs placed on the 101, 80, 280 and 580 around the SF Bay)

I've been getting a lot of mail and search engine traffic regarding the legality of putting signs up on freeways lately and, having done it well over 5,000 times now all I can say is go for it. When it comes to speaking out politically the founding fathers were pretty clear that it should be full and unfettered. If you're not selling something or threatening somebody, your right to political speech is not only protected, it's practically the most protected right you have.

In other words, when it comes to free speech, the constitution is on your side. If the police or the courts want to stop you, it's their job to figure out how, not yours.

So far this month I've put up over 140 signs between San Diego and Seattle, and will finish the trip back down over the next couple of days. When I got home yesterday I found this in the mailbox, over the Pasadena Freeway in downtown LA:

Keep 'em coming folks..