Hey Freewayblogger,
I've been following your work for years now, always saying I'd do it myself someday. Got so sick of watching the world go to pieces and doing nothing I finally got off my ass and just did it. You're right, it's easy: Borrowed an overhead projector from my school, slapped some paint on a bike box and voila! the whole thing took less than an hour. Using coathangers and bungees like you suggest, hanging it took less than a minute and it stayed up all afternoon, (though it was gone the next morning.)
Thanks for the inspiration man... You'll be seeing more from me for sure.
-Santa Cruz, California
FB - 467
USA - 445
Excellent! Oh, and please keep in mind, folks, that there are many Christians -- myself being one of them -- who are sickened by war, sickened by President Bush, sickened by many of the "rapture right," and pleased to see this Christmas-In-July-style activity.
Steve Peacock
some siq phuk actually took down a sign that said "peace on eath" ???
.... how very sad...
Awesome! PT Cruiser linked you in forums at Peace Train. (link)
He has been working hard to spread the word about this idea, and we appreciate his information as a "peace" community.
Keep up the good work! Know that people out there are cheering you on! All the Freewaybloggers!
Definitely glad Christmas got a meaning that actually hit home for once. Keep up the great work, we're watching, appreciating and getting motivated. Even though I still haven't posted anything up yet, the day is getting nearer.
Hi Scarlett,
I painted signs w/you up in Seattle (guy with the ancient volvo...) How about this one word for a fwyblog:
"The base" oughta know what that means...
how very excellent!
peace, indeed.
Love is my religion.
I wonder what Peace on Earth would really be like. Would we all heave a collective sigh of relief at once? That would be something to hear.
Peace? Well when I want peace, I go to those adorable Arabs, who care for nothing more than giving flowers to the U.S. That is , until Bush invaded and suddenly made them hate us! Then there damn time machines caused Sep. 11- back when they were peaceful!
Oh Come on now! Hating all Arabs just because of Sept. 11th is like hating all Republicans just because of Jeffrey Dahmer...
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