Freewayblogger, I put this up in March on a radio tower at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan. The command there loved it!
Yours, Anonymous
If this guy can climb a radio tower in Afghanistan, you should be able to reach that fencing next to the freeway behind the dumpsters at the mall.
FB - 467
USA - 446
If this guy can climb a radio tower in Afghanistan, it's amazing the level of "security" our troops are providing. Congratulations on pulling this one off guy, this is the greatest freewayblogging ever.
Way to go, Anonymous!
Hope you fall off your next tower-
That's bloody inspiring. Way to go!
The best!!!!!
Dontcha love how the right-winger chose to be anonymous? LOL
If all goes well, I will be driving across the state in mid-August and will put a large IMPEACH sign in the back window of my hatchback. I have it written in the dust on the back now, but I want to wash the car for my trip. 8-)
Nice try, numbnuts. There's no tower like the one in the picture at Bagram. Either you're a talented photoshop fan or you got a nice dose of RF radiation playing around on a tower near you. I hope you got enough RF radiation to keep your dumbass from procreating. ;)
Well Palerider, while I've never been to Bagram personally, I'm willing to take the guy's word for it. I tried believing you guys once but ended up with a bunch of dead people, trillions of dollars down the toilet and a world on the brink of disaster.
Unlike you all, we're allowed to have sex for purposes besides procreation, and I'm beginning to think that may be the root cause of your bitterness, anger and propensity for violence. What do you think?
What do I think? I think you've got to be one of the most gullible idiots on the face of the damn planet. You actually believe that a troop is going to climb a communications tower at a U.S. military base and hang a sign like that AND on top of that believe that "the command there loved it!"? Are your eyes brown? ;)
Dubya is going down & it's only a matter of time & All those zionist scumbags can follow.
the comment about the command loving it was pretty obviously sarcastic
people too obtuse to get things like that are probably too obtuse to realize that a lot of troops do want bush impeached, i was one, now I'm a vet who wants him impeached
Impossible to determine if it's really Bagram, as I've never been there, but all the big U.S. bases have radio towers like that. Something about communicating with 'murika, I don't know.
seems like a pretty believable story to me
Howdy, there.
I like it...
One Veteran, don't you realize that in Palerider's world, no one in the armed services ever so much as disagrees with a Republican president?
John Dean was right when he pegged folks like BadEastwoodFilmAddict as authoritarian nutballs who can't handle democracy or any type of relationship of equals: They're either at your feet or at your throat, bullying those they see as untermenschen while widdling on themselves whenever they see somebody they think is an alpha male.
palerider has obviously never served in the US military!
#1)When I was in stunts like this were common. These are after all real soldiers we're talking about not some fat lazy keyboard commando hiding in his mothers basement.
#2) When a soldier says "the command" he is not talking about commanders! He's refering to all the soldiers on the base, and I have absolutely no doubt at all that they did indeed enjoy it and that the soldier wasn't being sarcastic at all.
Way to go Bagram Towerblogger!!
Out-freaking-standing!!! This former Marine just loves it. Palerider, get a grip will you, Bush is a hated man.
Not wanting to speak for the sign-poster, but, I've met quite a few commanders who would second that emotion, from troop commanders at Ft. Hood to the outgoing garrison commander at a major training base in the South, to civilian commanders at AMC sites throughout the US. It's been a long time since I heard anyone above the rank of major have anything good to say about the civilian leadership in the last 4 or 5 years.
Send 'em on in Brady... cardboard, paint and something to say, that's all it takes.
Haha, Phoenix Woman, as usual you nailed it...and the widdle widdler waddled off with his widdle tail tucked in after being spanked so soundly.
Wow that did take some balls!!! But i love it. Its a huge insperation to keep up with the fight to hold that brainless monkey accountable!!! I dont understand how they are getting away with all of this but its clear that some of us americans still have a head on their shoulders. Thanks Anonymous!!!!
Yeah this is great! Hooray Islam! Horray Terrorists! Hooray Abortion! Now if only we could find a good president, like Osama! What a day that would be!
I encourage you and your readers to take a few minutes and see:
It's a list of the 25 most recent comments made by real Americans participating in an online poll/letter-writing campaign concerning the impeachment charges recently filed against Vice President Cheney, which are now being evaluated by the House Judiciary Committee. The participation page is at:
Since this campaign began, three members of Congress have signed on as co-sponsors, in part due to hearing from their constituents.
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