Davis California, about 35 feet from Interstate 80. Attached in about 30 seconds with a spring clamp, hammer and nails.
Situations like the one we find ourselves in now are precisely why the Founding Fathers of this country gave us the First Amendment. Not as some nicety or window-dressing, but to be used by the citizenry to protect their democracy when all else appears to be failing. (Or whenever they damn well please really.) And they were right too. If just one half of one percent of the people who agree with that sign put one up like it tomorrow, the Republican party would probably be dissolved sometime early next week.
Our right to post political opinion on public property is probably the most powerful and under-utilized weapons we have, and restricting ourselves to marches and yard signs at a time like this practically constitutes criminal negligence. Nothing in the First Amendment says you can only have protest signs at protests.
Also, it's fun. Making signs is just art, posting them is like being a ninja for a minute or two, and figuring out where to post them is one of the greatest strategy games you'll ever play. One or two well-placed freeway signs will reach more people in an afternoon than you'll meet or talk to in your lifetime.
I've put signs like the above on freeways in major cities all across the country, along with 7,975 others on a variety of other topics. You'll find pictures of all of them in the archives of this blog, along with 6,000 or so from others. None of us has ever been arrested for it, and if nothing else I hope the work archived here has proven that it's not a crime. It's our right. People died for it.
Frankly, given where we find ourselves now, the real crime is not putting them up.
Signs Posted: 8,000