Saturday, December 27, 2014

Los Angeles

 "No one saves us but ourselves.
 No one can and no one may. 
We ourselves must walk the path."
 - Buddha
 Signs placed on the 10. 110 and 101 freeways and La Cienega Blvd. in Los Angeles.
 “To go wrong in one’s own way is better than to go right in someone else’s.”  - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

 "Evil is not to be traced back to the individual but to the collective behavior of humanity." - Reinhold Niebuhr 
 "Those whom the gods would destroy,
 they first make mad." - Euripides
Signs Posted - 6,983
Arrests - 0

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Southern California

 "It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. 
The question is: What are we busy about?"
 - Henry David Thoreau
 Signs placed on freeways around southern California.
 "If the world should blow itself up, the last audible voice would be that of an expert saying it can't be done." - Peter Ustinov

 "Republicans want smaller government for the same reason crooks want fewer cops." - James Carville
 "100 years from now? All new people." - Anne Lamott
Signs Posted - 6,975
Arrests - 0

Thursday, December 11, 2014

US 101

 "Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards." - Aldous Huxley
 Signs placed over and alongside US 101 in Los Angeles and Ventura counties.
 "The uneasy marriage of reason and nightmare which has dominated the 20th century has given birth to an increasingly surreal world." - J. G. Ballard
 "George W. Bush: Commit war crimes, then paint pictures. Reverse of how the other fellow did it." — billmon
 "Be convinced that to be happy means to be free and that to be free means to be brave." - Thucydides

 "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. " - Groucho Marx
Signs Posted - 6,967
Arrests - 0