I've been wanting to do this one for awhile. Here's how it looked in traffic: (click to enlarge)
Note to America: Next time you feel like voting for the guy you'd rather drink beer with, do us all a favor and write in the name of the guy you actually drink beer with.
I make my signs using an overhead projecter. The signs below took about 45 minutes to make and cost about 35 cents (total) in materials. Having them made professionally would cost about $500.
Notice the juxtaposition of the overhead projecter and the TV, squared-off like boxers in corners of a ring. This is the crux of the battle my friends... the corporate media bullshit that streams into our homes versus our willingness and ability to speak for ourselves. Corporations have the advantage of controlling practically all forms of broadcast media, but we still own the land. Thanks to the freeways, a well placed sign can be read by over 200,000 people a day. There is no better, easier or cost-effective method of making your voice heard in this society.
This is how you put a sign on a freeway: find a piece of fencing that faces traffic, place the sign against the fencing and strap a bungee cord or two behind it. Then walk away. Takes five seconds. Your sign will stay up until somebody takes it down, and believe me, that can be a long time.
Everything you can see while driving is a place you can put a sign and it'll be read: Every fence, post and tree.
When the founding fathers of this country gave us the right to free speech, they meant for us to use it, and to do so as widely and effectively as possible. Don't believe anybody who tells you you need a permit to do what I do: the First Amendment is all the permit you need.
As Kurt Vonnegut said, freedom of speech isn't something that's given to you, it's something you take for yourself, and it's high time more of us started taking it.
USA - 1082
FB - 1073
(signs posted since Jan. 1st.)
How about some tips on making or ordering big signs.
how big exactly are these signs: I've alwayts wondered about ideal dimensions, and that doesn't seem to be addressed in the "how to" section.
depends on where you're going to put them. letters at least one foot tall can be seen from a hundred feet or more easily. the shorter the message, the bigger you can make it, the bigger you make it, the further you can place it from your audience.
best thing is to just do it.
an epiphany. something i can do beyond calling congress, emailing congress, writing letters to the editor, writing the president, the vice president, my congressional representatives, bitching, moaning, thinking the A word, talking talking talking, giving out information, trying to make change happen, informing, taking action as best i can.
this speaks to me. i am on it in tulsa, ok :-)
Thanks BAB... what I do is so incredibly easy and unbelievably fun there should be a million of us by now.
Just Put the Words In Front of The People: that's all there is to it.
write me at freewayblogger@yahoo.com if you have any questions.
Well, it is not exactly on a highway but it is in our front yard on a main street through our town...
We had 4 honks before it was even completely up!
Not to rain on your parade, but it is July 2007 now. The impeachment process would probably take a good year = we'll be getting him out... just about the same time he'd be leaving anyways. Plus with lol "executive power" who will speak against the President in an impeachment trial?
Impeachment isn't the goal here actually... getting people to use the freeways to make themselves heard is the real goal. I'm sick of Bush, sure... who isn't? But the real problem is a bought-and-paid-for media that lies to us about what we supposedly think.
The medium is the message.
I love you freeway blogger.
"Impeach" is just shorthand to say we want consequences for the administration's criminal actions.
Excellent work on the signs!
If you want to make your own poster go here.You can customize this huge poster, delete the pictures and put your own pictures in. Use the font of the text already there and put in your own text and remove mine. Use other fonts. Enjoy. You can change the sign size too. PRESS THE RED CUSTOMIZE BUTTON TO BEGIN MAKING YOUR OWN POSTER.
Make your own poster
scarlet, you're right.....that is some of your best work.....a bit more work to do but worth it.....
Nicely done Scarlett P! I'll be looking for new stuff in So Cal!
Hi. My name is "Dave." Maybe you'll remember me. I was thinking our next project might be an orgy on a rooftop with Cheney and Rice.
I do a lot of political graffiti using stickers. I prefer them to spray paint because they don't damage property. And that is what I like about the way you use these signs. Aside from trespassing what could you be charged in court with? And the press you would receive if charged with a serious crime would/could be enormous.
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