Because when you put a sign up next to a freeway, people will read it until somebody takes it down. . Send pictures to freewayblogger -AT-
You have dead bugs on your windshield.
I prefer to think of them as "collateral damage".
Excellent work and great pictures, especially if you were going solo.I spent my fourth the same way.
Radiohumper: send pix to freewayblogger@yahoo.comIf you didn't take pictures, start. This is how we tell the world we're trying - dammit - to fight back.
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You have dead bugs on your windshield.
I prefer to think of them as "collateral damage".
Excellent work and great pictures, especially if you were going solo.
I spent my fourth the same way.
Radiohumper: send pix to
If you didn't take pictures, start. This is how we tell the world we're trying - dammit - to fight back.
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