This Labor Day weekend citizens around the country will be celebrating their Constitutional right to free speech by posting political messages on public property. In keeping with the First Amendment, signs will be posted on fencing around parks, libraries, government offices, freeways, highways and Interstates.
Signs will be made out of cardboard and attached by wire and bungee cords to be easily removable in accordance with local ordinances - no graffiti, locks or adhesives will be used. Signs on overpasses and roadside fences will be legible and posted safely on the inside of fencing to eliminate any risk of falling into traffic.

Speech protected by the First Amendment must be non-commercial, non-threatening and cannot advocate violence, political or otherwise. Signs will only be placed on roadways already containing commercial speech.

Participants are asked to photograph their work and share on social media. Please send pictures to
freewayblogger - at - yahoo - dot - com or post on Facebook
Examples of previous actions can be seen here.
Although the examples shown here are unabashedly partisan, all signs from all points of view submitted will be republished, provided they fall under the protection of the First Amendment. Apart from that, you can say what you want: this is America.

How to make a sign in five minutes using cardboard and tape.
How to make a whole lot of signs.
America has always been known as a place where the right to Free Speech is sacred and it's time we lived up to it. When the Founding Fathers gave us the First Amendment it wasn't meant as a nicety or window dressing: it was created specifically to allow any citizen to reach out to as many of their fellow citizens as they could, particularly in times of national crisis.
We are a leaderless group of Free Speech activists who believe the First Amendment is more than just our right, it's our responsibility. With the national political discourse monopolized by corporate and institutional interests, the voice of the individual citizen has become more important than ever. Along with being cheap, easy and fun, here are 97 other reasons why signpainting is the ideal means of political expression. Feel free to join us this Labor Day weekend, as well as the other 362 days of the year.
Further questions, comments or press inquiries can be directed to
(Note: Although controversial, the right to use freeway overpasses and fencing for political messages and patriotic displays has always been upheld by the courts, thanks largely to the precedent set by the flags and patriotic displays that appeared after the attacks of September 11th: posting political opinion on overpasses is the same as hanging a flag.
I will do it! Modesto California
It stand a better change of not being torn down in Austin than the rest of TX, so I'm willing to try. It should stop raining by then.
You know, I have an expressway within driving distance, and I sure want to express myself about the President who is not!
I don't like saying anything about free speech, especially next to the American flag. That's the rhetoric the neo Nazis and white supremacists use to justify their hate speech (and the ACLU defended them) We just chased them out of the Bay Area, literally. I'll stick with the numerous other signs like, "From Boston to the Bay, No Fascist USA" with a picture of their leader, Trump. Its close enough to the event that folks will make the association. Or maybe just "Resign Motherfucker".
I'm in. Myrtle Beach, SC. Cheers to FWB!
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