The decision to award Alaskavet the coveted "Freewayblogger of the Year" award can be summed up in these four simple words: Ten. Degrees. Below. Zero.
While the nom de guerre "Alaskavet" may conjure images of some gruff, time and battle wisened soldier living up in the frozen wilds, this is a bit misleading.
She's a veterinarian, and the puppy friends watching her paint are some of her patients.
More of her work here
and here.
North Pole, Alaska is located about fifteen miles outside of Fairbanks, with a population of less than 2,000. Between the extreme cold and limited audience, Alaskavet had all kinds of good excuses not to go out sign hanging, but she went ahead with a couple of friends and did it anyway.
Why did they do it? I wish I could say. Maybe it had something to do with patriotic duty, standing up for free speech, or to counter the local media (KJNP: "King Jesus North Pole" Radio & TV).
Semiotically speaking, cardboard and paint work just fine in sub-zero temperatures, (although bungee cords do not...) so maybe the question "Why?" could be best answered with "Why the hell not?" Alaskavet, we salute you and your two- and four-legged friends as Freewaybloggers of the Year!
FB - 2118
USA - 1464
2007 Final Total
Mr. Rogers is impressed. I think I'd need an extra sweater for that kind of freewayblogging.
Yay! Beautiful..
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