Friday, May 04, 2007

Pelosi Dinner Tableblogging

At a dinner honoring Pelosi Saturday evening, pro-impeachment activists slipped elegant placecards onto each place at the table. The cards read: "Remember, We’re the Deciders.
Impeachment is on the table.
Investigate and Impeach Cheney and Bush."


Psychomikeo said...

Who ever did this...I LOVE YOU!!!

Matt Janovic said...

I wholeheartedly approve of such actions, and it's good to see people use their imaginations. Pelosi needs the reminding. She's hardly alone, which is why eternal vigilence is necessary.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for doing this. As a frequent viewer of Real Time with Bill Maher, I really think we the people, have to remind the Democrats why they gained that majority last November. All the talking in the world will not solve this issue, actions will.

Jefferson said...

The American people definitely need to push the Democrats AND Republicans to impeach Bush. I am a deeply religious person and I have a moral obligation to defend the Constitution and impeach Bush for his many crimes. My fellow religious friends need to feel that those on the left wing are not against them. Let's keep the fiery religious debates out so we can focus on common ground and convince our fellow religious Americans that impeachment is morally correct.

United We Lay said...

This is great!! People like Jefferson are the only ones who may be able to redeem the religious community. I think the Jesus in them has overpowered the American in them, and they cant quite see that the two aren't all that far apart. Evangelical religion is enfeebling our country.

United We Lay said...

By the way - Mother of a March in DC on May 14th. We're meeting at Lafayette Park at noon and marching to congress!

Anonymous said...

Be sure to impeach all the democrats that sided w/the President to sound tough, then ran like school children once their poll numbers started to drop. I don't know which you people are more of, cowardly or simply idiotic. None of you has the slightest clue how to defend a nation.

Suzy said...

Toney, I'd like to see some repercussions for all those Democrats to whom you refer, but what they did was not illegal. Impeachment is a mechanism for those who have broken the law. The Bush Administration, even more than the Nixon Administration, has believed themselves to be above the law and broken the law, again and again. Their actions are a continual threat to national security, and must be stopped.

Anonymous said...

If what you say is true then why haven't Pelosi and Reid started the impeachment process? By your words it should be an open and shut case. How can you have such strong support for a Speaker and Majority leader who have all the authority and power they need to prosecute a "rouge administration" but don't? Pelosi has said repeatedly that impeachment is off the table. Why is that?

Psychomikeo said...

Hot Karl has some dirt on both of them...

Petalumadeadhead said...

make sure Dick is impeached first!