from BBC
I put the above sign up in Berkeley, next to the I-80 eastbound in between the "Impeach" below, which has been up for five days now...
And this "The War is a Lie." which has been up for three days.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: if you want to convey a simple message to an ENORMOUS number of people, this is how to do it: place signs near freeways. There is no cheaper, easier nor more effective method of protest in today's society. And it's a HELL of a lot of fun.
Simple Instructions Here Other tips can be found by typing the word "arsenal" into the search box of this blog.
I spent the rest of the day putting up these signs, (and lots of others,) next to the 80, 580 and 101. If you were driving around the Bay Area you'd think the populace was on the very brink of revolution. (They're not, but it only takes one person with a pickup truck and an overhead projector to make it look that way.)
Having done this steadily for the past few years, I can tell you that signs are staying up a lot longer now - months sometimes - particularly the ones that say "Impeach."
Of course, I also have my critics:
I know there's a lot of you out there who'd like to be doing this but are afraid it's illegal. I'd like to remind you that once all those flags started going up on overpasses after September 11th, that opened them up as legitimate forums for political expression. I'd also like to remind you that yes, if a cop sees you doing it he'll probably ask you to stop. Big Deal. I've put up close to 4,000 signs now and have been stopped by police seven times with little or no consequence.
When the men who founded this country gave us the right to free political speech, they meant for us to USE IT. Particularly during times like these. Granted, sticking up protest signs isn't going to get Bush impeached or stop this war or the next one no matter how many people see them. What it does do though, is make the country look better. If you're not seeing protest signs in your city but would like to, I strongly suggest you start putting them up yourself. It's not only our right as a citizens, I believe it's actually our duty and am more than willing to stand behind that belief in court, which is why I continue to put up signs without fear of legal reprisal.
And also, as I said before, it's a hell of a lot of fun.
FB - 287
USA - 81
Keep up the good work!
hey! hello from the UK! keep up the great work. it's ok we know at least half your country are sane!
Fark! I'm a Yank who went into self-imposed political exile in Oz. They have highways here (just with the traffic running in the opposite direction to the U.S.) I have to do this, or face the realisation that I'm a punk. Good onya, mate!
Here's the sober antidote to your last freeway frolic: Thanks.
Wheres your patriotism?
Im gonna shop so goddamn hard that terrorists will be BEGGING ME, "please! we will stop our jihad! Just dont rack up any more miles points on your platinum card!! We cant take it!"
Just you watch. Itll be a sacrifice, but nobody ever said paying full retail for a half-dozen 42" HD Plasma TV's was easy, right?
FREEDOM ISNT FREE! (It costs a buck-oh-five)
Too broke to shop, too young to die.
I just followed your lead with 200 signs on the side of I-95 in Virginia.
Half read "Impeach Bush", and the other half read "Next Stop Iran", with a color foto of a mushroom cloud below.
You'd be so mad that Conservatives have now found your site and are using your tatctics back on you and supporting the Adm, troops in Iraq. hahahahaha
Not "my" tactics, fellow citizen, but the rights given to each of us: guaranteed in the First Amendment and sanctified by the very blood of the footprints in the snows of Valley Forge.
Glad to hear you've found a way to support the troops though... that is, without actually enlisting.
Thanks for your nice post!
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