My modus operandi is to paint a whole bunch of signs, stick them in the back of my truck along with bungees, tape, hammer, nails etc. and then hit the road. In the throes of a serious freewayblogging binge I can reach close to a million people in a day… more even. This isn’t because I’m particularly clever about it, although I’ve learned a few tricks along the way, it’s because the freeways are so damn crowded, and that very few people, whether official or civilian, are willing to go to the effort of taking them down.
For both painting and posting, you'll find that the learning curve for freewayblogging is an extraordinarily quick one: once you've done a dozen signs or so, the next fifty are a breeze.
A million people a day, on the cheap.
I used a couple of photos of your great signs in my video entry at the Huffington Post.
Check it out and pass it on: GonzoBoy.com
And here's a handy link to all of the other entries: MindTags.com.
BTW: GonzoBoy.com merely forwards you to: http://gonzoboy.cf.huffingtonpost.com/
Likewise, MindTags.com forwards you to: http://cf.huffingtonpost.com/
You might want to think about getting a good domain name to put on those signs. I have ImpeachTheSmirkingLiar.com if you'd like to dedicate it to your freeway blogging. I can point it to your blog here. It will make your freeway blogging even more efficient. Or you can come up with a different one.
Keep up the good work!
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