Although I'm taking heat for it, I'm calling it at 100 days: Best. President. Ever. Here's why: I wasn't around for the first 35 or so, and while I've heard great things about Presidents Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln etc, it's all been pretty much passed along through middlemen such as history books, documentaries and the like, and none of them have really offered the kind of real time as-it-happens accounting I've gotten from the presidencies that have occurred during my lifetime. I was too young to appreciate Kennedy while he was around, and as for Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, the Bushes and Clinton, well, I'm sticking with Obama. So far everything he's said, done and, most important, the style with which he's said and done them has earned my unwavering political allegiance and vote for Best President Ever.
Friends on both the right and left have pointed out that this is a radical departure from the sort of high-minded critical thinking we've all come to expect from the Freewayblogger brain trust, and to them I say "Damn Right." I look at Obama as being a sort of Reagan for Liberals. It doesn't matter what he says or does or what mistakes he makes along the way, I'm standing behind him 100%. Just like Reagan created huge deficeits, sold anti-aircraft missiles to the Iranians, supported apartheid and helped the rivers of Central America run red with the blood of the campesinos without his supporters so much as blinking an eye, I'm prepared to offer the same to Obama: reason, common sense or even outcome be damned. To my friends on the right it's called "Your Own Medecine" Let me know how it tastes.
(Note, this stance becomes null and void at such a time it can be reasonably determined that Obama has baked a cake for the Ayatollah of Iran: that's where I draw the line.)
Are you kidding?
I love your signs. Agree with your stance on Bush, Iraq, etc. But best President ever? If you want to give up and let the Government run your life, that is great. But shoot me in the face already; I don't need more Government to do anything for me! Socialism isn't for everyone.
Yeah, right. Once y'all start clamoring for the dismantling of public schools, police and fire departments and all four branches of the military, then you can say you're not a socialist. Until then it rings pretty hollow.
carter was better, imo.
he was hated for telling the truth about israel's apartheid, oil dependency and the environment.
had we listened to him, we'd be 20% solar powered 9 years ago - prolly up to 35% by now.
"Reagan for Liberals" is a brilliant strategy. I'm going to promote that meme at every opportunity. Thanks.
And as for people who declare that we're on the road to Socialism, they usually strike me as either folks who should have paid better attention in history class or are Milton Freidman/Ayn Rand fake "private sector" DIYers.
They should all go pick up Naomi Klein's Shock Doctrine and learn a bit about the last 40 years.
I would do a little research hun. Obama promised that he would get us out of Iraq immediately - then it changed to 22 months. There is much more. Google the "Obama Deception". Its a documentary that I think everyone needs to see it.
There is the link to watch it for free on youtube.
The old boss is starting to look a lot like the new boss.
Wow... that was a real eye-opener. I had no idea that Michelle Obama was the last person to see Vince Foster alive...
"Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author."
Yeah, you believe in free speech. Pointing out that this is completely hilarious hypocrisy, would probably be lost on you.
You (pl) are only open to your own ideas, and under your (this) administration free expression will be gradually limited to liberals of various stripes so that only gays, strippers, newspapers, marxist college profs and and their teen age synchophants will have "free speech." Everything else will be "hate speech." Welcome to your world.
Comment moderation had to be enabled because some GOPer kept spamming with 50+ comments per post. My apologies, but there was nothing else I could do.
The world you describe is, indeed, the one that's coming, and while there's plenty y'all could do to stop it, you have neither the courage nor discipline to do so. If you're lucky we'll ship you all off to re-education camps. More likely, however, the gay stripper/journalists who teach a couple of classes on the side will opt for a total purge. Then, alas, your widows and orphans will find themselves bathing in tears and the blood of their loved ones before being shipped off to gay stripper journalism school.
Hilarious response, freeway blogger. Made my day.
Republicans were saying the same thing 100 days into Bush...
Geez, it's been a while since I came here, and not much has changed - the GOPpers still whine and cry, the libertardians are still failures, and you're still awesome.
I like it ... a lot.
Odrama.We're gonna have nukes flying over forclosed homes.
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