Commuters in Columbus Ohio have been kept informed of at least one citizen's opinions on torture, the war, and the men who brought us both: our own Aunt Bea. Despite being a grandmother, as well as somewhat disabled, she has what it takes to speak out: Cardboard, paint, and guts enough to use them.
Using the special non-patented freewayblogger method pictured below (in other words, bungee cords) Aunt Bea's work on fencing and the overpasses have made her quite possibly the most widely-read political commentator in the greater Columbus Metropolitan Area... certainly the most widely read working on a budget of under five dollars.
Apprised of her uncommon courage and valor, Arianna Huffington sent her a signed copy of "Fearless", something those of you who've considered doing this might want to pick up. Like most fledgling movements, ours is a revolution with a lot more sympathizers than activists, which is a pity given that the difference between the two boils down to nothing more than cardboard, paint and a little bit of nerve.
USA - 808
FB - 609
Three cheers for Aunt Bea! C'mon, people! Step up!
this is great!!!
Give um Hell Aunt Bea...really proud of go Girl...2d
Looks like littering of public property to me..& I thought all Democrats were tree huggers.
I also hope that just one Iraqi appreciates his or her new found freedom of speech that was given to them courtesy of the war you are protesting. I guess some Americans really are that selfish.
selfish, God person get your head out of the hole in the ground( curtisy of anti-american terrorist) and look around. This administration has done more dancing then Fred Astair, and insult the average American on a daily basis by implying we are not smart enough to understand the "big picture". There is more corruption in American Politics now then sence I have been of voting age & this includes Tricky Dick. We support our troops not our poloticians,,don't you get that either???
selfish, God get your head out of your & look around. This is the most self serving, currupt administration I'v been unfortunite to live under. All that matters is Bulling & oil for the rich
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