Hey Freeway Blogger,
Here's what I did as georgie was stealing the election here in Ohio. I bought signs and put them all over on my property. I also put a peace memorial for ALL the lives lost from the bush mob. No one can tell me to take them down! Below are the pictures and in the background of "bush lies" sign is where our local police station/mayors office, and where council meetings are held. Oh yeah, it's also our local voting place for our little village. You can bet all my signs are out even as my flag pole stands empty because my flag has been kidnapped and desecrated by those in charge. I have sent pictures twice before but have never seen them posted. Is there something wrong with them? -OHIO
Dear OHIO,
Thank you for the pictures of the yard signs and peace garden and sorry about not getting back to you sooner. Although it’s a very pretty picture and I admire your speaking out to the extent you have, the point of this project is to get people to move beyond yard signs, small memorials and other symbolic gestures and SPEAK OUT, and by that I mean reach out to the largest number of people possible. Right now we are engaged in an Information War, and for the past twenty years the minds of our citizens have been poisoned by the Limbaughs, Hannitys and O’Reillys of the world – while the voices for peace go unheard, contenting ourselves with yard signs and bumper stickers. It’s simply not enough… and that’s why I didn’t print your picture, I’m sorry.
Dear Freewayblogger,
I am sorry too. I should have told you I am handicapped, and if I could I would be out on the freeways with you! But because of my health (or lack there of ) my yard is all I can do and I was lucky to have friends and family to help with that. I used to worry about dropping my grandchildren, then I worried that I couldn’t pick them up or get them out of harms way fast enough. Now I feel that I can’t protect them at all and the biggest threat comes from our government. The people in power stole the office and are very quickly eroding every single freedom we have. My grandbabies futures are heavily compromised from the disgrace of the mercury laden vaccinations and flu shots to the highly illegal, immoral, corporate (money) driven war which only they want! And still they do not go to fight or send their own children. Just ours. My daughter was part of the first shipped to Iraq under Papa Bush’s watch. She is one of the soldiers who refuse absolutely to talk about what she saw, how she feels. We can talk of anything else, but not the war. So although I am not healthy enough to travel the freeways, I reach a lot more people than one would think. Everyone and anyone who has to go to Mayors Court, the police station, the council meeting, all the parents, all the walkers and joggers, they all see and read my signs. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for all you do… ohio
Dear Ohio, I’m truly sorry for jumping down your throat like that. I’m sorry to hear about your condition and will post your picture as soon as I can. (I’m on the road right now, going to Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas.) Thanks for all you do and again, my apologies. –Scarlet
This just came in the mail: probably the worst picture sent to me yet. And possibly the very best.

Hey Hey Scarlet, guess what! This morning at 6:00 a.m. my friends (also disabled) & I officially joined the freeway bloggers. Of course we are grandmas so it took us a lot longer than the rest of you, but by golly we did it.!! Then we giggled like school girls. We tried to get a picture but it was too dark out and when it was after daylight I went alone and got this picture. It was a rainy, foggy Monday morning in rush hour traffic. Even though you can't read the sign at all (I couldn't drive and focus) you can still SEE it and read it from the road. My friend said it looked so good it looked professional. She should see you folks work!. So here it is. Hopefully the first of many. By the way, the sign says "IMPEACH". if I get a clearer picture I will email it.. as you can see we put it up so you can read it going to work downtown. yours, Ohio
Update: This sign stayed up for five days.
USA - 565
FB - 528